Stena Teknik

Stena Teknik

Contributes to innovation and future competitiveness

Stena Teknik supports Stena’s maritime business units with expertise in project management, technical solutions, innovation and energy transition. By developing safe, efficient and sustainable solutions, the company contributes to increasing Stena’s competitiveness and future relevance.

Summary of 2023

In recent years, Stena Teknik has strengthened and broadened its role as an innovation and competence centre for maritime operations. In 2023, a digital tool was developed to optimise ship operations, with a focus on energy efficiency, and fuel consumption.


Stena Teknik’s core business includes the expertise of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, who focus on supporting the maritime units in their newbuilding and conversion projects. This business includes design and construction with a focus on increased efficiency and safety. In line with the changing market requirements and the rapid development in the sustainability area, the business has been expanded with key competences in this area.


Stena Teknik guides and supports Stena’s maritime operations in their transition to sustainable shipping. In recent years, the company has further developed its operations in order to strengthen its role as a centre of excellence for innovation and technology development, in accordance with future requirements for sustainable shipping.


“To successfully support the Group’s work for sustainable shipping, we have broadened and deepened our expertise. It is of utmost importance that we stay ahead of developments in this area,” says Ron Gerlach, Technical Director at Stena Teknik.


Developing the future of shipping

Stena Teknik is actively involved in contributing to ensure that Stena’s fleet can sail in the most sustainable and energy-­efficient way in the future. This entails supporting the business units’ work to optimise the design of both existing and new vessels through smart and innovative material choices, energy efficiency improvements, fuel choices, and electrification.


The experts within the team are actively involved in developing data-based decision-making support to promote fossil-free operations. Through evaluation and analysis of fossil-free fuels and mapping of suppliers in the area, the aim is to ensure the availability and implementation of cost-effective solutions. Furthermore, it is becoming increasingly important to analyse and communicate the effects of new regulations and legislation in the environmental area for Stena’s maritime operations.


“Cutting-edge innovation, energy efficiency and strategic choices for ship operation in accordance with new directives are crucial for future competitiveness,” says Ron Gerlach.

Increased efforts for collaboration and knowledge sharing

Stena Teknik has further developed its work to promote knowledge sharing within the Stena Sphere. The aim is to spread knowledge within the various units, increase employees’ understanding of and confidence in ongoing strategic business development in the sustainability area, and contribute to accelerating the development.


Teams with business leaders from the Group’s maritime business areas and other companies within the Stena Sphere were established during the year. These teams are organised around thematic areas deemed to be important for future innovation, such as fossil-free fuels, procurement of alternative fuels, regulations, surface treatment and marine life. The teams held regular meetings to which external experts were also invited.

Digital tool provides new opportunities to reduce climate impact

Through collaboration with an external partner, Stena Teknik has developed a new digital tool, the “Stena Decarbonisation Tool”. The tool enables analysis of ship performance data in relation to new requirements from the EU and IMO, and develops an individual action plan for each ship to remain compliant with the requirements and reduce its carbon emissions according to set targets.


“The tool will help us identify which energy efficiency invest­ments should be prioritised for each vessel in our fleet, and to analyse the optimal mix of fuels to reach shipping´s net-zero GHG emissions target by 2050,” says Ron Gerlach.


By using sensors deployed on board over long periods of time, it is possible to predict with 98 per cent reliability how a ship will react in different conditions, as well as how this affects fuel consumption and emissions.


“Stena Teknik has started a pilot project together with Stena Bulk in which we apply this technology to optimise the speed and route of the IMOIIMAX and Suezmax vessels, and thereby increase their energy efficiency. We expect to already see fuel savings of 4–10 per cent in the short term. We also hope to be able to combine these accurate models to simulate the impact of improvements, rebuilds and fundamental design changes on energy efficiency, and also bridge the gap that exists today between models used in CFD calculations (numerical calculations) and real-world conditions,” says Ron Gerlach.

Leading the way in employee development

Stena Teknik works actively to promote a culture of continuous learning, development, and collaboration within its operations. This is vitally important for the company to continue to be successful in its mission as an innovation and competence centre in the Group.


Knowledge is acquired by employees staying updated on the latest research and technical developments. In addition, Stena Teknik establishes relationships with leading players in the business community and academia, and participates in cross-industry collaboration. Through this approach, the company ensures continuous learning and a sustainable culture of innovation.

Risk management

The most important risks for Stena Teknik are ensuring that staff have relevant expertise, primarily within technology, energy and fuels, life cycle analysis and data transformation. To achieve this, the focus is on succession planning and developing the competences of current employees, and also on bringing new employees onboard with the skills and experience required. Stena Teknik works actively to ensure the transfer of skills and experience to young employees.